I have been the branches equality officer since 2015 and the Woman's officer since 2017. I have seen many changes in the attitude towards equality since I took on the role. However be under no illusion we still have a long way to go, there is still a lot of discrimination and bias in the workplace .

As a branch we strongly believe in equality for everyone and we will continue to fight for that, we can only achieve that with people standing

together to exercise a united voice and in refusing to allow employers or governments to divide and conquer.

We have secured important rights for our members in the workplace., and will continue to do so

As your Equality Officer and with the help of the branches other equality strands these are some of the things we can get involved with:

  Recruit new members, organize & provide some representation for members

  Monitor harassment, discrimination and equality issues at your place of work

  Campaign, share information & raise awareness on equality issues at work

  Be involved in negotiating with management along with other union officials on the equality agenda

  Provide support & identify opportunities for encouraging under-represented groups to take part in the union &         ensure their equality needs are also addressed

 Be involved in promoting family-friendly equality policies. For example, flexible working practices and also     encouraging the eradication of discrimination & bullying at work

 Assist & support members pursuing discrimination cases at the request of the branch.

 Be a contact point for equality matters;

 So if you have an equality matter you’d like to discuss please get in touch with any of our equality officers

Sally Cohen         

Email Equality Officer

                                                  EQUALITY IS A MYTH

                                                   WITHOUT FREEDOM

                                                IF THE INVIDUAL IS TO BE

                                               EQUAL IN SOCIETY WE MUST

                                             UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING THAT

                                                EQUALITY IMPLIES ABOVE ALL IT

                                               IMPLIES A SOCIETY THAT EVOKES

                                           FROM MAN A SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY

                                                                  TO HIS FELLOWS

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